The Component

Summer 2024

Executive Corner

Bobbi Cabral

Hello, I hope everyone is having a great summer and staying cool as much as possible while staying hydrated. Safety first! You may know me as the newly appointed Chief Financial Officer, and I’ve been leading the accounting team at PCS for the last 13 years. I am ever grateful to be a part of the PCS family and to have their trust to financially lead and help grow the company. I would not be where I am today without the recognition of the current executive leadership and the support from the dedicated and awesome accounting team members. Thank you Ryan the Accounting Manager, Beth, Brendan,
Jenn and Matt.

Our Company Safety Meetings

A Powerful Reminder of What Truly Matters

Safety meetings at our company are more than just routine gatherings; they are powerful reminders of the profound importance of prioritizing safety in every aspect of our operations. These meetings serve as a platform to reinforce our unwavering commitment to creating a secure and risk-free environment for our employees, customers, and stakeholders.

This year, we had the privilege of welcoming Ronald Goodrich as our guest speaker. His powerful story captivated our attention and reinforced the significance of embracing a culture of safety. Goodrich’s narrative was a poignant reminder that the greatest triumphs in life stem from the daily courage to show up, speak up, and take responsibility for our actions – especially when it comes to safety.

Safety Promise

Winners 2024

Matt Barclay

Maryland Division

Brian Adams

Pennsylvania Division

Congratulations to our Safety Promise winners, Bryan Adams and Matt Barclay! Their responses were thoughtful and right on point.
We’re excited to feature their winning entries in the next newsletter, so be sure to keep an eye out for it.
We also want to extend a big thank you to everyone else who participated. All of your responses were great, and we appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts and ideas.

PCS Paparazzi