PBX/ASA Golf Outing
June 7, 2019
The Component – Summer 2019
July 1, 2019In the summer of 2009, and young/just out of high school, Cameron worked for a summer at PCS doing selective demolition. He could only work until August because he had decided a full year earlier that he was going to be a Marine. So he began his military career then and stayed with it for almost 10 years working his way up to Staff Sergeant. His time as a Marine included several combat deployments to Afghanistan and other areas of the globe most of us don’t care to think about. Cameron, we thank you for your service to the country and now look forward to the time you are going to spend at PCS. We have brought Cameron aboard to take on the tough and thankless position of Project Coordinator and he has jumped straight in. He is already adding some digital components to our old school methodology and there will certainly be more of that down the road. The last name of Matz is familiar at PCS, but we know that Cameron will carve out his own space and be a valuable asset to the team. He grew up with the PCS logo and now will become a large part of its continued growth and success. We all welcome you!!