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546,000 Lbs. of Concrete Façade Removed at Lafayette College

Renovations are underway at Weinstein Natatorium where PCS, Inc. was contracted to provide interior and exterior demolition services in the facility. PCS demolition crews are halfway through the project and recently completed a challenging portion of the exterior demolition work. Crews removed a total of 26 pre-cast concrete façade panels from the building, each weighing 21,000 pounds. With help from a structural engineer, crews drilled several holes into each panel so steel bolts could be inserted and securely attached to a crane. Each panel was lifted and lowered down to the ground for demolition and disposal. L-type channels were attached to deteriorated panels in order to safely lift them down to the ground.

Progress continues inside as interior demo crews are removing ceilings, doors, hand rails, vent grilles, and frames. Crews are also removing ceramic tile and set bed from the pool deck and floor and core drilling holes as needed for new deck drains. Stay tuned for more pictures!

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